V Upsquare videoprodukciji smo ponosni, da smo pri evropskem projektu INEVITABLE sodelovali s podjetji: Spire, Compureg, Siemens, Univerzo v Ljubljani, Fakulteto za elektrotehniko ter Inštitutom Jožefa Stefana.
Z promocijskim videom INEVITABLE smo pokazali, kako so v podjetju SIJ Acroni premagovali izzive v jeklarski industriji in naredili pomemben napredek v smeri bolj trajnostnih praks. Projekt je del evropskih projektov v okviru programa European projects in Horizon 2020 in je bil financiran s strani EU.
The project is targeting at resource and energy intensive sectors of the process industry, with focus on the steel and nonferrous metals sector.
Since these industries have an enormous impact on energy and resource consumption, and consequently on the environmental footprint, improvements of energy and material efficiency represent major results of the project with positive impacts on both process sustainability and environment.
The focus of INEVITABLE is to develop high-level supervisory control systems for different production plants and to demonstrate them in operational environment to enable autonomous operation of the processes based on embedded cognitive reasoning.
The project approach is based on three enabling technological areas:
- data collection & sensor technologies,
- tools for data analysis, control and optimization,
- digitalization infrastructure;
The application of these enabling technologies will be an important step towards digital transformation and optimization of selected production processes.